That Good Kind of Tired

Well, it is about quarter after four in the afternoon. We have a little over an hour of daylight left on this Tuesday, and I am downright tired. It isn’t that worn out, done with none sense, get me out of here, kind of tired though. On the contrary, this has been what I consider to be, a fantastic day. It was one of those rare occasions when I actually got to just about everything I hoped to do today, and that is no small task. Much of the time my personal expectations are way higher than the level at which the rest of myself is functioning. But not today!

I enjoyed precious, quiet moments sipping coffee and saying my prayers before the sun ever peaked over the hill out front. Maybe that is what gave me the positive push I needed to get things rolling. As light was just starting to fill the sky, I coaxed flames from some seasoned wood and began burning the mass of old cabinets we ripped out of the bathroom and kitchen, that had been languishing on the front porch. It was time for them to go. By the way, that is one of the things that purchasing an old farm forces you to accept. There is going to be a good deal of random trash. Like, a lot. And while it may not seem classy at first, sometimes, you just have to burn it. Listen, I’m not out here burning tires. But when you are faced with how complicated it actually is to rid yourself of several tons of cabinets and old tables, etc, you begin to realize how so many folks resort to fabulous bonfires. It’s actually the most reasonable way for a 5′ 1″ woman, such as myself, to singlehandedly dispatch such a load. And, the benefit is two-fold. The same fire that conveniently reduced 150 square feet of rubble to a three foot ring of ash, also gave me a great place to warm up in between other farm chores! How great is that?

So as my cabinets burned merrily, and with the farm animals fed, I tacked up ole Smokey and we hit the trail. Was he a handful? A bit, but really not nearly as cantankerous as I know he can be. So hey, I’ll take it! Since he has been so eager to war with me over rushing home, I have taken him back to the basics just to get his mind back to where it should be. We do all the hard work here at home close to his pasture buddy and I take it easy on him out on the trail. Takes a little more time and effort, but that’s’ the job and I love it. A good session with Smokey always boosts my spirits.

Laundry churning, fresh barn footing and fire burning away. All in all, I might be beat, but I have had fantastic day. A farm is certainly a lot of work, and this placed laid it on thick, but at the end of the day when you see the signs of the work you have done and you feel the effects of having accomplished great things; that is the good kind of tired. The kind that leaves you feeling good about time well spent and lets you sleep good at night.

I’m sure I won’t have this much momentum every day, but I am thankful for it today and it gives me something to strive for; a feeling to chase. That good kind of tired is what it’s all about.