So much to be thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
There is no denying this has been a wild and wacky year, but I am thankful we are here and that you are here reading and living this adventure alongside us.

It used to be that I scrambled around the night before Thanksgiving, feverishly baking pies and letting them cool until I could barely even keep my eyes open. Over the last few years though, I streamlined the process and gave myself more time. No more pie chaos. However, this year, in a new town and a new not yet set up kitchen, I was off my game. When my first two pies were halfway through baking, I realized I had neglected to add in one very significant ingredient. Sugar. If you are going sugar free this year, and also have no taste buds, this pie is for you! But it is definitely not for me. Like eating baby food in a crust; gross. So, not everything went smoothly in my Thanksgiving prep, but nothing blew up or caught fire, so I’m calling it a win.

We aren’t having a big family gathering this year, but my parents made the trip to drop off all the comforts of the season, which is to say cookies, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pie WITH sugar(far superior). I am thankful for the Thanksgiving express.

There were a lot of hurdles placed before us on the road to this farm, and we have much to do, but I am thankful that we are here. I was able to look out the kitchen window this morning and see my very own horse snoozing in his pasture. I took my cup of coffee and strolled out to the barn where I said good morning to our two beautiful cows and our plucky flock of birds. All the while, surrounded by my entourage of cats(who are in fact scheduled to be picked up to receive full care December 7th). We are blessed!

In spite of whatever this year has placed before you and wherever it has caught you off guard, I hope this day is filled with blessings and you have at least a moment or two to bask in their joy.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Daily “Mooos-ings”

Oh man, I really got a kick out of that title when it came to me. It doesn’t take much to “amoooo-se” me! HAHAHA! Okay. I’m done.

Anyway, thinking about those cows. They sure have been fun to get to know. Interesting observation though… If you think of cows, I feel certain one of the things that would come to your mind, would be the sound they make. Yes, the beloved “moo”. But to tell you the truth, I have yet to hear one of our cows, actually produce a moo. Upon first realizing this, I thought “Huh, well that’s interesting…” Then of course, the natural progression of things was for me to start panicking just a tad. “Why aren’t my cows mooing? What am I doing wrong?”.

Well, I did a bit of searching on the ole interwebs and came to this conclusion; my cows are happy! Phew, what a relief! I suppose that should have been the obvious assumption though, right? I mean, we ourselves, primarily make noise in order to express ourselves and get our points across. Our cows have lived here longer than we have, so they are familiar with the area; no need to tell me they are lost or concerned. We only have the two ladies right now, Charlotte and Rosie, and they graze together 24/7 so no need to call out to one another when they are perpetually side by side. Lastly, these lovely bovines have about as much grass as any self-respecting cow could hope for, in addition to hay, and a breakfast snack from the local feed store, so there is no need for them to demand food. Yep, we have happy cows.

Once, I took all that in, I realized we have a great baseline for knowing when something is wrong or perhaps just out of the ordinary. Our cows have everything they need and apparently, are in great spirits, so they don’t feel the need to express themselves beyond the affectionate licks we get from their long, rough tongues. Should I hear their calls from the back pasture, I’ll know those girls don’t just cry “wolf”, but they might actually be calling “coyote!”. Or, considering that Charlotte should be calving quite soon, their moos might indicate there is a new member in the herd! I’m definitely looking forward to reporting on that one! But for now we’ll keep on waiting patiently.

In any case, I feel like I have reached a valuable milestone with our cows. I now know their normal. With any of the animals I have cared for in my life, that is a huge part of protecting their health. I may not always know up front WHAT is wrong, but knowing what is normal, definitely helps me make a quick assessment of when something IS wrong, and from there we can do our best to make things right. I may not be a cow expert yet, but I’m sure glad to be learning!

Happy Monday everyone! Hooray for quiet cows!

And so I carried the cat…

I love being outdoors. Good thing, huh, considering that certainly comes with the territory here. But truly, I love getting out in that fresh air and seeing what is happening out in nature each day. Plus, we have had an incredibly mild November and it would seem like such a waste not to enjoy it!

The farm has a really pleasant mix of of open fields and trees, and it makes for a pretty nice, low key hike. That is generally where I do most of my thinking and prep for a new post (this one included). I had been in the habit of taking our three dogs with me, but they have been particularly naughty about slathering themselves in fresh horse poop lately(this is the same route I ride Smokey on in the morning), so today they stayed home. Apparently, this provided the perfect opportunity for someone else to join me on my stroll. Enter, Squeaker.

If you have read my previous posts, you know there are more than a few stray cats calling this place home and at this point, I have named most of them. I know, I know. What am I thinking? Who knows, but the fact remains, they have been named and one of them is “Squeaker”. Perhaps you guessed, she is a very vocal cat, which is indeed what earned her the name.

As I began my stroll out to the hills, I looked down and found I had a very small and catlike shadow trailing me. I assumed that once I reached the end of the dirt trail and began traversing the more wild, grass covered ground, Squeaker would turn for home. But I was wrong. That cat kept right on following me. Before long, we had covered a good bit of ground and Squeaker was determined to stay with me, but I could tell she wasn’t familiar with the ground we were now covering. I am not really that certain how far a female cat’s territory stretches in the wild, but I knew I had never seen any of the cats out that far on any of my previous hikes. As Squeaker looked around more and more and we got farther and farther away, I started to get nervous that she might get distracted and lose her way back. I thought to myself “I can’t go letting my wild cat get lost!”. And so, I carried the cat. That’s right. I bent down, picked up Squeaker and CARRIED her for the rest of the hike. I couldn’t believe it. That silly little furball nestled right in, stretched out a front paw and acted like she was born to be carried around sight-seeing by some doting human.

On we walked, just me and my bob-tailed little companion. We passed tiny birds, perching on even tinier stalks of brush sticking up from the ground. The wind whipped around us, fierce but surprisingly warm. Up hills and back down with the sun shining down giving everything around a warm glow. Not wanting to push my luck, I only took us about halfway around the usual loop and cut back down one last hillside. As we came back upon the dirt road, Squeaker started to squirm and so I set her down and she kept pace with me back up to the barn, safely back in her own territory.

One of the most important things I hoped to accomplish in coming out here, was to take stock of the little things and today I did that, while hiking with a cat.

Winds in the holler

There are a lot of things that don’t ever occur to us when we haven’t experienced them. Having spent most of my life in one geographic region, it never occurred to me that every day weather patterns could feel so different only an hour away from where we were before.

We have hardly had any rain here since we moved. That was an incredible blessing especially considering all the unexpected mishaps that we encountered. However, Saturday night leading into Sunday morning, we experienced our first bout of high winds and thunderstorms. Around 3 a.m. I woke up to the howling gusts surrounding our home. Me, being the crazy person I am and wanting to be fully in the moment of every new experience, I got up, donned my cozy robe and walked outside. It was INCREDIBLE! It hadn’t started raining yet, so there I was with the vast sky overhead, stars shining in spite of the coming storm, lightning flashing in the distance and the surprisingly warm winds yowling their way through the surrounding hollers and all around our home. Absolutely worth getting out of bed for that. Sometimes the most special moments in life are there just waiting for us to go out and get them. For me, this was one.

During the rest of the night, the winds continued to blast through and the rain poured. I heard the thunder claps and saw the lightning that followed. At morning’s light, I did have some anxiety over what the state of our farm and livestock would be, but by the grace of the Lord, everyone and everything was absolutely fine. Smokey looked up from his grazing as if there had been no overnight storm. It amazes me how he chooses to stand in the driving rain.

I half expected our chickens and ducks to be three states over, but the coop and all the girls were right where I had left them the evening before with not a feather out of place. The cows had tucked themselves into the barn and were eagerly waiting for their breakfast.

There were some things that gave me pause and caused me to re-evaluate my choice of placement for some items. Our swing, for instance. I had placed in what I thought was a wonderful location to watch the sun set over the back hills. Turns out it was also perfectly placed to blow right into the wooden pasture fence. It stopped at the planks and no harm was done, but I don’t think I want to chance that next time it won’t go right on through. Fences require regular maintenance as it is. No need to add more.

So, even though I felt the distinct urge to peek out our window and check for witches on broomsticks, our house never made lift off and we were never in Kansas to begin with, so it isn’t too shocking to find we aren’t there now.

Happy Tuesday, folks!

A Fun Day’s Night

So yesterday I filled you in on what a typical day looks like here on the farm, but don’t think that is where the fun ends. Oh, no. Once that sun starts to sink back down over the hillside, the last rounds begin.

Folks, I have to tell you, I have yet to see an evening out here where that sunset sky isn’t absolutely breathtaking, so I personally make a point of stopping to take it in first thing when I step outside. It might seem silly to include that as an integral part of the routine, but really, that is why we are here so I don’t want to miss it.

Once I feel like I have satisfactorily taken in the magnificence what the good Lord took the time to set there before us, it is back out to our winged girls. As I mentioned, there are any number of critters who might see our girls as some fine “chicken tenders”, so one of the first orders of business here was to install something to give us peace of mind. We(mostly my husband) constructed our last coop from scratch and boy, was that labor intensive. Even worse when we had to tear it down when we moved. This time around we went with a coop kit if you will, from Amazon. It was exceptionally easy to put together, easy to move and most likely saved my husband’s sanity. I have no idea why we didn’t use this sooner. I suppose you live and you learn. Back to the point. I go out to the wonderful enclosure and make sure everyone is accounted for and closed in their boxes within the coop. Sleep tight, ladies.

Just beyond the poultry pasture, our fluffy cows are making their way back out to the pasture for the evening. We are just so head over heals for them, that we do in fact walk out there every evening to say goodnight. I know. That’s a little wacky, but we are living our dream here and I am completely unashamed. I am going to to say goodnight to my cows. Plus, I would like to think Charlotte has grown fond of receiving bedtime ear scratches. How could I let her down? Goodnight Charlotte. Goodnight Rosie. Maybe one of these nights, she’ll accept ear scratches too.

As I make my way back from the cow pasture and through the barn, I pick up the bag of cat food I carried out with me and give the wild collection of felines, their nightly vittles. They are here, they are hungry and the nights are getting colder. Until I get some word on someone coming to trap and treat them, I am at least being proactive in attempting to encourage them to live in the barn instead of under the house. Considering the structural repairs we will soon be attempting and the fact our dogs try to jet out and catch them every time the door opens, the barn seems like a much safer place for them to take up residence if they are going to be here. Good night you little wild things.

By this time, the sun has fully set and the horses are big, dark figures in the pasture as we walk by on our way back to the house. We stop to say goodnight to them and make sure their water is filled. My big boy, Smokey, comes over to the fence every night without fail, but I am not fooling myself. I know full well, he is simply an optimist, and maintains hope that the bag I am carrying might be for him. His pasture mate usually stays out, happily munching the choicest blades of grass, while he is preoccupied. Good night beautiful horses.

Now that we have checked each creature in our care, we walk down our tree line drive and make sure the gate to the property is closed for the evening; better safe than not.

By the time the night checks are complete and the sun has fully set, I too am ready to turn in. Having always been a morning person, I find it particularly difficult to continue functioning once the sun goes down. That doesn’t always mean I go to sleep, but I can’t lay claim to being coherent and useful after six o’clock, either. So as another farm day draws to a close, we make our way back into our ever improving home, stopping at the door long enough to hear the nearby coyotes starting their twilight chorus. Goodnight coyotes.

All in a day’s work

It is official. Yesterday, marked one week post move and I am happy to report, we’re all still here. Well, that’s not entirely true. Some of the fleas are still here too, and I am not as thrilled about that. But hey, pulling one flea off the cats is a vast improvement over fifty.

For the first several days following our move, my husband was off work. As of Monday though, he was back to his daily grind, so I have had a chance to properly assess what a typical day looks like for me here on the farm. Once my darling plumber is off to protect the health and safety of the surrounding cities, the farm chores begin.

As you may have gathered from my first post, we have a small flock of chickens and two lovely ducks. These girls receive my attention first. Due to the number of wild residents out there on and around our fifty-six acres, the ladies all get securely locked in at night. This means once the sun starts to peak over the horizon, I like to get them promptly turned out into the morning light. They all exit their overnight chambers ready to stretch their wings and chow down on their morning rations. That is the other thing; I put food up at night, so predators don’t have extra reason to go investigating their pasture. The girls roam in a grassy field, but I like to provide a feed to them to make sure they are always getting enough nutrients. There are also two separate water tubs I fill daily. Clean water is always a good idea. Especially, with ducks. You really can’t let their water go. Ducks are incredibly good at getting themselves and everything around them covered or filled with mud and debris. They shovel all sorts of things into their beaks and then use the water to filter out the mud and whatever else they don’t actually intend to consume. So. Fresh water always.

Next up are the cows. Yes, the cows we knew we must have adorning our new farm. Rosie is the younger one. She isn’t even full grown. Now that she knows we bring the morning feed, she comes running at our sight, but always stops a good distance away until we leave. She isn’t sure about people yet. I don’t think she has had much handling, but I am hoping she’ll come around.

Charlotte, on the other hand, is about as friendly as they come. She is roughly four years old and was bottle fed as a calf(she is expecting a calf as well, so that will be fun to report on in the next few weeks). If you aren’t careful, she’ll come clear up and give you a playful headbutt. Seeing as she is a full-grown cow, that has it’s risks, so we are mindful to keep an eye on her. But she is about as lovey as they come. She loves to be petted and follow her people around. About the time I am coming out to the barn, they are just coming in from the pasture. I prance out to their feed tubs and dump out their breakfast, then prance away as they bound in. Once those two are munching happily, I make sure to check their water trough as well. Depending on the weather, sometimes they drink more, sometimes less, but I top it off each morning and each evening for good measure.

Okay, birds are set. Cows are happy. Now time for the cats. Not the inside cats, of which we do have five. No, no. Perhaps I didn’t mention that upon moving in, we also discovered a small colony of feral cats living under the house. Indeed. Most of them are completely wild and won’t let you get closer than a few feet, but it is clear they are used to being fed. This development presented me with a very unique and difficult situation to contend with. You see, I love cats, but five is really the maximum number that my house or my budget can confidently care for well. I absolutely could not kill them or trap them and dump them somewhere else(not even sure how I would trap them). So for the time being, I am putting food out for them in the barn in the hopes they will start living out there instead of under the house(I am sure this is in no small way related to the number of fleas), and I have a call in to the nearby humane society who will supposedly come trap them, spay/neuter, vaccinate/treat and return them. Unfortunately, I have been told they are unadoptable, so this seems like the best option for the time being. And to be honest, I have already gotten attached.

Last, but not least on the barnyard schedule are the horses. My horse can be a bit pushy about food. As a matter of fact, I have never seen him move so fast as when he hears the rustle of a bag he thinks might contain feed. There are only two horses here. One is mine and the other is an aging mare belonging to a friend. She is here for now, to make sure Smokey(my gelding) doesn’t get lonely. They are herd animals, so it’s nice to make sure they aren’t by themselves. Eventually, I will probably let him buddy up with the cows, but I am waiting until Charlotte and her calf are settled. Anyway, since Smokey isn’t naturally patient when it comes to food, I force his hand(hoof?) and make him the last stop. I also tie him up to ensure his nose stays in its own feed tub and doesn’t wander over to his pasture mate’s. Like I said, there are only two horses so they have tons of grass filled pasture to graze 24/7. I give only a small amount of feed to get them in the habit of coming up in the morning. This gives me a chance to check everyone over for injuries or signs of illness and if I am going to tack Smokey up for a ride, it saves me having to walk who knows how far to bring him in, since this keeps them used to hanging around the barn in the morning hours. Once both horses have finished their food, I untie Smokey and give them time to go get a drink and walk about a bit. Then I will either move on or pull Smokey out of the pasture and toss a saddle on him so we can go make our rounds.

I have had Smokey for about a year and a half now, and he has come a long way. This time last year, he was pretty unruly and I didn’t have the tools or confidence to effectively work with him. I partnered up with a great trainer(the ones who own the mare) and it made a huge difference. But being that he is still pretty young in his training and is not yet what I would consider a well-seasoned mount, I make a point of getting him out most days to go check fences. Unless, we have serious weather that might bring a tree down, the fences aren’t likely to spontaneously break, but it is a good habit to have and it gives Smokey a job, which is a big deal in keeping his mind right. Smokey has a habit of testing me, every time I have moved him to a new barn. It usually takes a few weeks to get passed. We will ride out and he will walk really slow, or try to stop and turn around. His goal is to get back to his friend and the tasty grass. My goal is to keep him moving forward. Right now, he is really the best way for me to get around the property and check everything out without walking it myself. It takes less than half the time using his legs, than it would using mine. He is a seventeen hand draft cross and I am all of 5′ 1″.

Once me and my(almost?) trusty steed return from our rounds, it’s time to move indoors. I’ll keep this short, because honestly it isn’t very interesting. Right now my indoor chores really just consist of three tasks on repeat. ALL. DAY. LONG. Laundry. Flea comb. Vaccuum. When you battle fleas, something happens in your mind. There is an obsessive drive to destroy them entirely. And until I feel confident that enemy has been obliterated, I cannot cook, I cannot unpack. I cannot rest. I can only clean. As a matter of fact, I must go because if I am not mistaken, I think it is about vacuum o’clock.

Appreciating Horizon and Embracing the Unexpected

As we prepared to embark on this farming adventure, we considered the tasks that might await us. Cows on day one – we should expect some hiccups there. More predators to protect our poultry from – better be on our security game. But the biggest thing this experience has taught me so far, is to be ready for the unexpected. We expected to have some learning to do in caring for a farm, but ironically, our setbacks haven’t really been farm specific. The cows are doing great. Our poultry are happy. Who new our biggest hurdle would be the maintenance of the home itself?
Although I can’t say I had hoped to put this much into our new house just to make it liveable, I am starting to enjoy the ride. I have picked out the first new stove of my life. Up until now, we have always had clean, working appliances, so no need to buy new ones. My husband and I are basically learning to rehab homes, and honestly I think we might be kind of good at it! And in between feverish mopping and painting of walls, I have the joy of stepping out to watch the horses grazing, chickens pecking happily and cows ambling contentedly through the pasture.

The last thing this day left me with, was a new appreciation for the horizon. We spend so much time looking at things only feet or perhaps inches, from our face. This evening, I let my gaze stretch out over the rolling hills where the sun’s warm glow was still just visible. There is something wonderful about letting your eyes rest out there. No squinting or straining. Just resting out there in the soft, still beauty. I highly recommend you try it.

How this all got started…

Well, first off, thank you for stopping by! This whole blogging life is a new one for me, but hey, I am having a lot of firsts lately so why not add another!

You see, up until this week, my husband and I have lived in a nice little brick ranch on precisely one nice little acre. That home treated us well in the time we were there. Coming from a two- bedroom apartment, that acre felt downright ginormous. We had our house pets, and over time I couldn’t help myself; we added chickens and then turkeys, and since we had all those, we might as well add ducks too, right?

So you see, after a while we started to feel a little out of place on our not so secluded acre. By the time it was all said and done, we had pumpkins growing on top of our chicken coop and corn stalks lining the side of our house. It was time for an upgrade. What we needed was a farm!

Any sensible person would consider their situation and seek out a nice five, maybe ten acre spot with a nice home to settle into. So naturally my husband and I found 56 acres and decided that was the only place to be. Beautiful rolling hills, a house that needed work, but seemed passable for a decent dwelling(mind you I hadn’t actually been inside the house), barns, garages – what more did we need!?

We asked ourselves that question and the obvious answer was cows. By golly we were going to be farmers, so we needed cows! Fortunately, the 56 acres we had set our sights on, had two available!

Long story short, it took nothing short of moving a mountain, to actually procure the farm, but we were committed. After a number of frustrations and closing date reschedules, we signed the papers and moved the last of our belongings to Gentle Breeze Farm on Wednesday of this last week.

After three solid days of packing things up, driving, unpacking and packing some more, we were exhausted. Of course, that is also when we realized our new home was MUCH less a passable dwelling than previously anticipated…. and it was infested with fleas. That one shook us a bit, but so strong was our will to make this work, we joked about christening the new place, “Gentle Fleas Farm”. Our cats probably would take issue with that description. Actually, we were completely panicking. What had we done? The last night in our old house, having already packed our mattress, we slept on the hardwood floor. And yet, somehow we’d found conditions even less conducive to sleep. Fortunately, that first night of restless sleep did restore our weary minds and we got straight to work battling the foe at hand. 
So far we have treated carpet and then ripped it right out along with the subfloor, mopped walls(yes walls) and painted primer over them. I found a whole new meaning to “not enough hours in the day”. But at the end of each day, I go out and get a good sandpaper lick from Charlotte the cow, and I am convinced it will all be worth it and this is just the beginning of an incredible new adventure. I hope you’ll check in to see what else farm life brings our way.