Appreciating Horizon and Embracing the Unexpected

As we prepared to embark on this farming adventure, we considered the tasks that might await us. Cows on day one – we should expect some hiccups there. More predators to protect our poultry from – better be on our security game. But the biggest thing this experience has taught me so far, is to be ready for the unexpected. We expected to have some learning to do in caring for a farm, but ironically, our setbacks haven’t really been farm specific. The cows are doing great. Our poultry are happy. Who new our biggest hurdle would be the maintenance of the home itself?
Although I can’t say I had hoped to put this much into our new house just to make it liveable, I am starting to enjoy the ride. I have picked out the first new stove of my life. Up until now, we have always had clean, working appliances, so no need to buy new ones. My husband and I are basically learning to rehab homes, and honestly I think we might be kind of good at it! And in between feverish mopping and painting of walls, I have the joy of stepping out to watch the horses grazing, chickens pecking happily and cows ambling contentedly through the pasture.

The last thing this day left me with, was a new appreciation for the horizon. We spend so much time looking at things only feet or perhaps inches, from our face. This evening, I let my gaze stretch out over the rolling hills where the sun’s warm glow was still just visible. There is something wonderful about letting your eyes rest out there. No squinting or straining. Just resting out there in the soft, still beauty. I highly recommend you try it.

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