Hard to believe

Really, it is. I can’t believe how quickly time passes. As I talk to people here and there I tell them we have been on our new farm for about a month now, but as I pondered this morning, I realized that I have now been telling folks that for about a month itself! Which does in fact mean, that we are actually just a few days away from TWO months here at Gentle Breeze Farm! Golly, how did that even happen? I suppose one day it will start to feel real. This will all start to feel like real life. We made such a ginormous change in such a small space of time, that to be honest, it still feels like we are just on some “farm-experience” vacation. At least to me. My husband still works the same job and still drives all over the same tri-state area, so maybe it doesn’t feel so different to him. But for me, moving on from on-site horse care to having my very own farm in a different state, is like starting a whole new life. Pretty mind-blowing. So it will be interesting to look back and see at what point, this all becomes ordinary. If it ever does. Who knows!?

I could also note that we embarked on this journey, at perhaps the most turbulent time of year possible. We moved at the very start of the holiday season during the part of the year when the coldest weather will be arriving. The days are short, store hours are weird and festivities are cropping up all over the place. What exactly is “normal” during the last three months of the year? So, since we have already breezed through two months, I’d say if we can simply make it through the next two (most likely colder) months, things should start settling in and smoothing out. Not that it has been that much of a struggle so far (well, aside from the house), but it has certainly been a whirlwind! And I would like to make sure I am enjoying each moment. The first signs of spring always bring such promise, and I am looking forward to seeing this place in full bloom. I just know it is going to be amazing. Plus there are a number of family and friends that we are so excited to have out, but let’s face it. Most people would much prefer to enjoy the outdoors when it is 70 degrees as opposed to 20. I don’t blame them.

So for the rest of this year, I will keep busting the ice off the tops of the waterers each morning and sometimes in the afternoon, and hopefully one day soon after the next two months have flown by, we will have guests with us picking fresh flowers and petting new calves, here on Gentle Breeze Farm.